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Comparing In-house vs. Healthcare BPO Operations: which is better for your center?

Written by CCD | Aug 8, 2023 3:04:04 PM

When considering the decision between healthcare BPO and in-house operations, it's essential to understand how these options differ. Healthcare BPO, or Business Process Outsourcing, involves outsourcing specific tasks and responsibilities to a third-party provider that provides support services for healthcare centers. In contrast, in-house operations involve keeping all duties and responsibilities within the healthcare center and managing them internally.

One key difference between healthcare BPO and in-house operations is the level of expertise and specialization. BPO service providers for healthcare are specifically trained and experienced in handling healthcare centers' unique challenges and requirements. They have in-depth knowledge of healthcare regulations, coding, and billing practices, patient record management, and other crucial areas.

This expertise allows them to efficiently and accurately handle medical coding, claims processing, revenue cycle management, and data entry tasks.






  • Lower initial setup costs as BPOs already have infrastructure and technology.
  • Higher initial setup costs due to the need to invest in technology, infrastructure, and hiring staff.


  • Medium to a high level of customization.
  • Many Healthcare BPOs can adapt a service offer depending on the client's needs. 
  • A higher level of customization is possible to cater to the specific needs of the healthcare center.


  • Access to specialized skills and expertise. 
  • Trained professionals with domain knowledge.
  • In-house staff can be trained and developed with a focus on the healthcare center's specific requirements.


  • Offers scalability and flexibility to adapt to changing demands of the healthcare center.
  • May have limitations in scaling up or down based on fluctuations in work volume.

By carefully considering your healthcare center's unique needs and goals, you can decide which option is best suited for your specific circumstances.


What to consider when choosing between healthcare BPO and in-house operations

When deciding between healthcare BPO and in-house operations, these key considerations can help you make a better and more informed decision:

  1. Cost-effectiveness

    Healthcare BPO services can offer cost savings by eliminating the need to invest in technology and software, hiring and training staff, and continuously staying updated on changing regulations. In-house operations may have higher upfront costs and ongoing administrative burdens.

  2. Scalability and Flexibility

    BPO providers can scale their services based on your center's needs, allowing for efficient resource allocation. In contrast, in-house operations may face challenges in scaling up or down, potentially leading to increased costs and operational inefficiencies.

  3. Control and Customization

    In-house operations control processes and decision-making, allowing customization to fit your center's needs. However, healthcare BPO services can still be tailored to meet your requirements while providing specialized expertise.

  4. Risk Management

    Healthcare BPO services can mitigate risk through their compliance and regulatory expertise. They have processes in place to ensure data security and confidentiality. In-house operations would require your center to bear the responsibility of risk management.

Cost comparison of healthcare BPO and in-house operations

Many companies must pay more attention to the fully-loaded costs of operating work-at-home or on-premise internal call centers. It's not just about the base wage rate for agents. The all-in, or fully loaded, hourly rate for an in-house call center is typically around 2-2.5 times the agent base wage rate. So, when comparing in-house vs. outsourcing, it's important not to compare wage-on-wage simply.

To determine potential savings when exploring lower-cost nearshore or offshore call centers, accounting for all costs required to operate an internal call center is essential. This includes:

  • Costs for infrastructure, technology, training,
  • Benefits, supervision, and management.

These costs can quickly add up, making outsourcing to healthcare BPO services more cost-effective.

Outsourcing is not just about cost savings but also about gaining access to specialized expertise, scalability, and flexibility to drive operational excellence and growth for your healthcare center.

Pros and cons of healthcare BPO

Here are some key BPO advantages and disadvantages to consider:

  • Specialized expertise: BPO services for healthcare have in-depth knowledge of healthcare regulations, coding, billing practices, patient record management, and more. 

  • Scalability and flexibility: Whether your center is growing or experiencing fluctuating demand, healthcare BPO support services can easily adjust their resources and support to accommodate these changes.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing your operations to healthcare BPO services can offer cost savings and help you improve your center's revenue cycle management. It eliminates the need to invest in technology and software, hire and train staff, and continuously stay updated on changing regulations. 

  • Lack of control: With healthcare BPO, you rely on a third-party provider to handle critical operations for your center. This can result in a loss of control over processes and decision-making. However, reputable BPO providers can still offer customization to meet your specific requirements.

  • Security concerns: It's crucial to carefully evaluate the security measures and protocols implemented by potential BPO partners to mitigate these risks.

Pros and cons of in-house operations

One of the main benefits of keeping operations in-house is the level of control and customization it offers. With in-house operations, healthcare centers can tailor processes and decision-making to their needs. This level of power can be especially beneficial for centers with unique requirements or those prioritizing a high degree of customization.

Another advantage of in-house operations is maintaining direct oversight of all tasks and responsibilities. With healthcare BPO support services, centers rely on a third-party provider to handle critical operations. In contrast, in-house procedures allow centers a hands-on approach and ensure tasks are carried out to their specifications.

However, there are also disadvantages to consider. In-house operations require healthcare centers to invest significant time, resources, and expertise in developing and maintaining their internal departments. This can be costly, both in terms of upfront expenses and ongoing administrative burdens. Centers must hire and train staff, invest in technology and software, and stay current on changing regulations and industry standards.

What to know before transitioning from in-house to healthcare BPO or vice versa

When considering a transition from in-house operations to healthcare BPO services or vice versa, you must carefully evaluate the current state of your operations and identify the specific challenges or areas of improvement that led you to consider a change. This will help you determine what you hope to achieve through the transition and what aspects of your operations you want to prioritize.

Next, thoroughly research and vet potential healthcare BPO service providers or consider the necessary steps to build an in-house team. Look for providers or candidates aligning with your center's goals, values, and requirements. Evaluate their expertise, track record, and references to ensure they have the capabilities to meet your needs.

Additionally, assess the potential impact on your staff and internal processes. A transition to healthcare 

BPO services may require the restructuring of roles or a shift in responsibilities. Clear communication and proper training will ensure a smooth transition and maintain employee morale.

It's also important to consider the financial implications of the transition. Calculate the costs and potential savings associated with both options, considering upfront expenses, ongoing operational costs, and the potential for increased efficiency and productivity.

Finally, consider the long-term implications of your decision. Think about the scalability and adaptability of both options and how they align with your center's future growth and strategic goals.

Final Thoughts

Before deciding between BPO or in-house, carefully consider your center's unique circumstances and whether or not one or the other can drive growth to it. 

If you're considering outsourcing for the first time, read our guide for first-time outsourcers in healthcare. Filled with valuable insights and tips to help you navigate the process and make the best decision for your center.