First time outsourcing

A Healthcare Center's complete guide to outsourcing

If you're considering outsourcing for the first time, it's important to approach it with careful planning and understanding. We've prepared this comprehensive guide to exploring the ins and outs of first-time outsourcing, providing valuable insights, tips, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) to ensure a smooth outsourcing experience for your Healthcare Center.
Let's dive in!
Part I

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing refers to delegating specific business processes or functions to external service providers rather than handling them in-house. These processes range from customer support and IT services to manufacturing, accounting, and more. By partnering with specialized third-party providers, companies can tap into a global talent pool, access cutting-edge technologies, and benefit from cost advantages in different locations. 


Why do healthcare centers outsource?

From cost savings and access to specialized skills to improved flexibility and scalability, outsourcing has become popular for gaining a competitive edge. Let's explore the reasons behind this growing trend and show how outsourcing empowers centers, no matter the size,  to streamline operations, access specialized skills, and stay focused on their core competencies. 

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Cost savings is often the primary driver for outsourcing. By outsourcing non-core functions or tasks, businesses can eliminate the need for additional infrastructure, equipment, and specialized staff. With their expertise and economies of scale, external service providers can deliver these services more efficiently and at a lower cost, allowing businesses to redirect their financial resources toward core activities and strategic investments.

Access to specialized skills and expertise

Outsourcing provides companies access to a diverse talent pool with specialized skills and expertise. Service providers bring industry-leading knowledge, experience, and cutting-edge technologies; this allows businesses to access resources they may not have in-house, enhancing the quality of their deliverables, accelerating time-to-market, and gaining a competitive edge.

Focus on core competencies

By outsourcing non-core functions, businesses can concentrate their internal resources and efforts on core competencies; this allows them to excel in their specialized areas, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Outsourcing frees up valuable time and resources, enabling companies to focus on what they do best and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Scalability and flexibility

Outsourcing provides businesses with scalability and flexibility. As companies experience fluctuations in demand, seasonal variations, or rapid growth, outsourcing allows them to adjust their resource allocation without significant investments or disruptions. Service providers can quickly ramp up or down their operations, ensuring that businesses have the agility to meet changing market demands effectively.

Access to global talent

Outsourcing opens doors to a global talent pool. Companies can tap into skilled professionals worldwide, benefiting from diverse perspectives, cultural insights, and language capabilities. This global reach expands the possibilities for innovation, creativity, and market expansion, helping businesses stay competitive in a globalized economy.

Risk mitigation

Outsourcing can help mitigate risks associated with certain business functions. Service providers often have extensive knowledge of compliance requirements, security measures, and industry best practices. Businesses can transfer some risks and responsibilities by partnering with them, ensuring that operations are conducted compliant and securely.

Operational efficiency

Outsourcing allows businesses to streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency. Service providers specialize in specific processes and have established workflows, tools, and technologies to optimize performance. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can benefit from streamlined processes, faster turnaround times, and improved productivity.

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Types of outsourcing

Outsourcing encompasses various services and functions that can be delegated to external entities. Understanding the different types of outsourcing available is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing the potential benefits. Here are some key categories:

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Delegating non-core business functions to external service providers for increased efficiency and cost savings.

Nearshore outsourcing

Outsourcing tasks to service providers in neighboring countries, offering geographical proximity and cultural affinity.
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) Outsourcing specialized knowledge-based tasks such as research, data analysis, and strategic planning.
Creative Process Outsourcing (CPO) Outsourcing creative tasks like graphic design, content creation, and branding to external experts.
Offshore Outsourcing Delegating tasks to service providers located in geographically distant countries, typically for cost savings.
Onshore outsourcing Delegating tasks to external service providers within the same country for cost-efficiency and improved collaboration.

Nearshore outsourcing

Nearshoring involves outsourcing tasks or projects to companies located in neighboring or nearby countries. It offers a middle ground between offshore outsourcing and reshoring. Nearshoring has several benefits, such as reduced time zone differences, cultural similarities, and more convenient travel options for collaboration and oversight. Additionally, nearshoring helps maintain cost-effectiveness while mitigating certain risks associated with offshore outsourcing, such as language barriers and longer communication turnaround times. This type of outsourcing is particularly popular among companies in regions with close geographical proximity to countries with lower labor costs or specialized expertise.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

BPO involves outsourcing non-core business processes to external service providers. This can include functions such as customer support, payroll management, human resources, accounting, and IT support. By entrusting these tasks to specialized BPO companies, businesses can focus on their core activities and benefit from improved efficiency and cost savings.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

KPO involves outsourcing high-value knowledge-based processes that require specialized domain expertise. This can include services like research and development, data analysis, market research, intellectual property management, and legal and financial consulting. KPO enables businesses to access industry experts and cutting-edge knowledge without investing in extensive in-house resources.

Creative Process Outsourcing (CPO)

CPO involves outsourcing creative and design-related processes such as graphic design, content creation, animation, video production, and advertising. By leveraging external creative talent, businesses can access fresh perspectives, enhance brand image, and deliver impactful marketing materials.

Offshore Outsourcing

This type of outsourcing gained popularity due to the significant cost advantages it offers. Companies can take advantage of lower labor costs, favorable tax structures, and a vast talent pool available in offshore locations. Additionally, offshore outsourcing allows businesses to operate around the clock, leveraging time zone differences to ensure continuous productivity. However, it is crucial to consider potential challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and data security concerns when engaging in offshore outsourcing.

Onshore outsourcing

Unlike offshore outsourcing, which involves partnering with companies in different countries, onshore outsourcing keeps operations within the home country's borders. This type of outsourcing promotes collaboration and communication between the company and the service provider. Proximity and shared time zones also facilitate easier coordination, faster response times, and smoother workflow management which is particularly advantageous when dealing with time-sensitive projects or tasks that require frequent interaction and feedback.


Healthcare outsourcing: Pros

Cost savings

By outsourcing non-core functions such as medical billing, coding, transcription, and claims processing, healthcare centers can reduce operational costs.

BPO providers have economies of scale, advanced technology, and specialized expertise, allowing them to perform these tasks more efficiently and at a lower cost than in-house operations. This cost optimization enables healthcare centers to allocate resources to critical areas such as patient care, research, and infrastructure development.


Healthcare BPO providers understand the intricacies of compliance requirements, including HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and other data privacy regulations. They have robust systems, policies, and protocols in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of patient data.

By partnering with a reputable BPO provider, healthcare centers can mitigate compliance risks, maintain data integrity, and protect patient information, fostering trust among patients and stakeholders.

Better patient support

BPO providers are equipped with trained professionals who can handle patient inquiries, appointment scheduling, and other support functions efficiently and effectively. They offer 24/7 availability, multichannel support (phone, email, chat), and personalized assistance, ensuring patients receive the support they need promptly. This improves patient satisfaction, strengthens patient-provider relationships, and contributes to a positive reputation for the healthcare center.

Access to healthcare-specific specialists

Partnering with a BPO provider grants healthcare centers access to this specialized expertise and knowledge. These specialists are well-versed in industry-specific processes, regulations, and best practices, ensuring accurate and efficient execution of tasks, leading to improved operational performance, reduced errors, and enhanced compliance with regulatory requirements.

Outsourcing for healthcare centers: Cons

Lack of communication

Outsourcing often involves working with service providers in different time zones, regions, or countries. This can result in communication challenges, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and varying work styles.

Miscommunications or delays in information exchange may occur, potentially impacting project timelines and deliverables.

Building effective communication channels, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and leveraging technology tools for collaboration can help overcome these challenges and ensure smooth communication with outsourcing partners.

Data security and confidentiality risks

Outsourcing requires sharing sensitive business information and data with external parties. This can expose companies to data security and confidentiality risks.

Conducting due diligence on the outsourcing partner's security practices and regularly monitoring compliance with data protection regulations in your industry can help mitigate these risks and safeguard sensitive information.

In the Healthcare Industry, some regulations must be closely followed to secure patient data; that's why looking for a HIPAA-compliant medical answering service can be the right choice for an outpatient or radiology center.

Reduced quality control

Maintaining consistent quality standards and ensuring satisfactory service levels can be challenging when outsourcing. 

Prioritizing comprehensive service level agreements (SLAs), conducting regular performance evaluations, and establishing effective feedback mechanisms can help address these concerns. Regular communication and periodic audits can help ensure that quality and service expectations are met consistently.

Lack of control over performance and task monitoring

Companies may need help to maintain the same level of oversight and direct control with in-house teams.

Effective communication, clearly defined expectations, and regular monitoring and reporting mechanisms can help mitigate the potential loss of control and ensure alignment with the outsourcing partner.

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What tasks should a Healthcare Center outsource?

Outsourcing allows centers to delegate non-core functions to healthcare-specialized external service providers, allowing them to focus on their primary goal of delivering excellent medical services.

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Source: Salesforce

Appointment scheduling

Appointment scheduling can be a time-consuming process that requires dedicated staff and resources. By hiring a healthcare call center outsourcing, organizations can rely on appointment management professionals that help them save time and ensures accuracy, efficient utilization of resources, and improved patient satisfaction.

Patient support

Providing effective and timely patient support is crucial for any healthcare center. However, managing patient inquiries, requests, and complaints can overwhelm healthcare facilities, especially the bigger ones. Outsourcing patient support services to a specialized call center or customer service provider ensures that patients receive the assistance they need when they need it and that they can maintain excellent patient satisfaction levels. In contrast, the center focuses on delivering quality care.



Maintaining an optimal staffing level is essential for healthcare centers to deliver efficient services. However, managing staffing needs, including recruitment, training, and scheduling, can take time and effort. Outsourcing staffing functions to specialized healthcare-staffing service providers helps healthcare centers ensure access to qualified healthcare professionals when needed while reducing the administrative burden.


Continuous staff training is critical to keep up with the latest medical advancements, protocols, and regulations. However, designing and implementing training programs can be resource-consuming. Outsourcing training to specialized healthcare providers ensures that healthcare professionals receive high-quality education and development opportunities.

Revenue Cycle Management

Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management to a healthcare BPO can ensure accurate and timely billing, claims processing, and collections. By leveraging the expertise of professionals in revenue cycle management, healthcare centers can optimize cash flow, reduce billing errors, and improve revenue collection.

Administrative tasks

Administrative tasks, such as data entry, medical record retrieval, and documentation, can consume significant time and resources. Outsourcing administrative tasks to specialized service providers allows healthcare centers to streamline operations and free up internal staff to focus on core clinical activities. This increases efficiency, reduces administrative costs, and improves overall productivity.


Nearshore vs. offshore outsourcing: how to find the right fit for your healthcare center

When considering outsourcing options, healthcare centers often face the decision of choosing between nearshore and offshore outsourcing. While both approaches involve delegating tasks to external service providers, they differ regarding geographical proximity and other key factors. Let's compare both and highlight the benefits they provide. 

  Nearshore outsourcing     Offshore outsourcing
Geographical proximity Service providers are located in neighboring countries or regions, typically sharing a similar time zone or within a few hours of time difference. Service providers are located in geographically distant countries, often in different time zones.
Cultural affinity     Close cultural and linguistic similarities make collaboration and communication easier.     Potential cultural and language differences may require additional effort to bridge gaps in understanding.
Communication Proximity and time zone similarities enable real-time communication, facilitating faster response times and smoother collaboration.     Time zone differences may result in delayed communication, requiring careful planning and coordination.
Travel accessibility Ease of travel and reduced travel costs make face-to-face meetings and site visits more feasible.     Travel may involve longer distances and higher costs, potentially limiting in-person interactions.
Talent pool     Nearshore locations often offer a diverse and skilled talent pool that aligns with the healthcare center's requirements.     Offshore locations may provide a broader talent pool, but skill sets and qualifications may vary.
Cost Nearshore outsourcing can offer cost savings compared to onshore outsourcing, with lower labor costs and reduced travel expenses.     Offshore outsourcing typically provides the greatest cost savings due to lower labor costs and favorable currency exchange rates.
Time-to-market     Proximity and cultural affinity facilitate faster project delivery and quicker time-to-market for products or services.     Time zone differences and potential communication challenges may slightly lengthen project timelines.


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Key factors to consider before outsourcing your Healthcare Center's operations

There are several factors that a healthcare center needs to consider before outsourcing. Making the right choice will weigh heavily on improving operations and a healthcare center's overall growth. 

Define your center's goals and strategy

Identify the specific goals you aim to achieve through outsourcing, whether it's cost reduction, improving operational efficiency, accessing specialized skills, or enhancing patient support. By clearly defining your objectives, you can evaluate potential outsourcing opportunities and choose partners that align with your strategic vision.

Check BPO's expertise in healthcare

Analyze your organization's core competencies—the activities and processes that differentiate your business and contribute to its competitive advantage. It is generally advisable to retain control over core competencies and focus on strengthening them internally. Non-core activities, on the other hand, can be prime candidates for outsourcing. By understanding your core competencies, you can determine which tasks are better suited for in-house execution and which can be effectively outsourced.

Cost analysis

Conduct a comprehensive cost analysis to determine the financial impact of outsourcing. Consider both direct and indirect costs associated with outsourcing, such as service provider fees, transition costs, training expenses, and any potential hidden costs. Compare these costs with the benefits and potential cost savings that outsourcing can bring. A thorough cost analysis will help you make informed decisions and choose outsourcing options that align with your budget and financial goals.

Communication and Collaboration

Consider the communication channels and collaboration tools necessary for seamless interaction between your organization and the outsourcing vendor. Assess the language proficiency, cultural compatibility, and time zone differences to ensure smooth communication and collaboration. Establish clear expectations, set up regular reporting mechanisms, and maintain open lines of communication to foster a productive working relationship.


Before selecting an outsourcing partner, evaluate their ability to accommodate fluctuations in demand, scale operations up or down, and adjust to evolving project requirements. Assess their willingness to accommodate unforeseen changes and their track record in managing flexible contracts. A flexible outsourcing partner can help businesses navigate uncertain market conditions and meet changing customer demands, providing a competitive edge.

IT background

Assess the outsourcing provider's expertise and specialization in relevant IT areas. Consider their experience with the specific technologies, platforms, or software applications that align with your business requirements. Look for certifications, industry recognition, and case studies demonstrating their IT solutions' proficiency.

As a healthcare call-center service provider, our main goal is to adapt and improve Radiology Information Systems and optimize Revenue Cycle Management Software or any other software the outpatient center manages. 

When dealing with technology, ensure the provider follows robust security protocols, adheres to industry standards, and has stringent data protection measures. Evaluate their track record in handling sensitive information and inquire about their disaster recovery and business continuity plans.



Healthcare Outsourcing: your checklist to Choose the right outsourcing partner

We've prepared a checklist to help you make informed decisions and ensure a successful outsourcing experience. Following this checklist, you can mitigate risks, maximize benefits, and choose the right outsourcing partner for your center's operations.

☑ Assess your center's needs

Start by thoroughly assessing your center's needs and identifying the specific areas or functions you intend to outsource. Evaluate your current capabilities, challenges, and goals to determine which operations would benefit the most from outsourcing.

☑ Define expectations

Clearly define your objectives and expectations for outsourcing. Are you aiming to reduce costs, improve efficiency, enhance patient satisfaction, or all of the above? Establishing clear goals will guide your outsourcing strategy and help you measure the partnership's success.

☑ Research and Shortlist Potential BPO Providers:

Conduct extensive research to identify reputable healthcare BPO providers. Consider factors such as industry experience, expertise, track record, client testimonials, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Create a shortlist of potential providers that align with your center's goals and requirements.

☑ Evaluate service offerings:

Carefully evaluate the service offerings of each shortlisted BPO provider. Ensure they offer the specific services you need and have the expertise and technology to deliver high-quality results. Assess their capabilities in medical coding, billing, transcription, claims processing, or any other functions you plan to outsource.

☑ Verify compliance and security

Data privacy and compliance are of utmost importance in healthcare outsourcing. Verify that the BPO providers on your shortlist have robust security measures and comply with industry regulations, including HIPAA. Request details on their data handling practices, security protocols, and disaster recovery plan to protect patient information.

☑ Consider the financial aspects

Evaluate the financial aspects of outsourcing. Compare pricing models, contract terms, and cost structures among the shortlisted BPO providers. Consider not only the immediate cost savings but also the long-term value and return on investment each provider can offer.

☑ Evaluate communication channels

Effective communication and collaboration are vital for successful outsourcing partnerships. Evaluate the communication channels and project management systems employed by the BPO providers. Look for transparency, responsiveness, and the ability to align with your center's communication preferences and culture.

☑ Quality assurance

Make sure that the BPO providers have robust quality assurance processes in place. Request information about their quality control measures, performance metrics, and reporting mechanisms. This will help you monitor the outsourced operations' progress, accuracy, and compliance.

☑ Consider your center's future growth

Choose a BPO provider that can accommodate your evolving needs and scale operations accordingly. Flexibility in adjusting service volumes, adding or removing functions, and adapting to industry changes is crucial for a long-term partnership.

☑ Put a transition plan in place

Develop a comprehensive transition plan in collaboration with the chosen BPO provider. Outline the timelines, milestones, and responsibilities during the transition phase. Clear communication, training, and knowledge transfer processes should be defined to ensure a smooth handover of operations.

☑ Seek legal support

Seek legal counsel to review contracts and agreements with the BPO provider. Ensure the terms and conditions align with your center's requirements and protect your interests. Pay attention to confidentiality, liability, intellectual property, and termination clauses.

☑ Guarantee continuous monitoring and feedback

Establish a system for ongoing monitoring, performance evaluation, and feedback with the BPO provider. Regularly assess the partnership against the defined objectives.

Healthcare outsourcing services are the key to patient-centric care